Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Moral Responsibility (aka WTF are they thinking?)

This was supposed to be the first blog, and this is now the fourth time I’ve restarted this (computer problems, rewrites, brain farts) but I feel like this should be addressed. Hopefully all of these starts and stops served as practice…

So what is the latest thing on my mind? Well, it revolves around the things that are said and done by those that we hold in high esteem, or those in power. Now mind you, we don’t hold all the same people in high esteem, but we all do have people that we look up to, or at least trust to be an example. To clarify, I am speaking about those who have some form of celebrity. While some of what this blog will be about might have something to do with the personal heroes in your life, I’m aiming for people who are a little more far reaching, and have a good deal more exposure.

So who is this blog aimed at? I’m setting my targets on television personalities, politicians, high corporate bosses, and basically anyone who can reach a large audience and influence them with the things that they say or do. This, of course, is a bit of a wide category, but it’s not so much about the people between the crosshairs, as it is about the effect that they have on those who are under their power. So now, we get to the point. What is it exactly? Well, if you’ll just give me a moment, I’ll get to it. Sheesh, so impatient.

At what point did all of these people decide that they just stopped caring? I don’t mean in an apathetic “nothing matters in this world, life is shit” way. I mean at what point did it become all about personal gain? Actually, that’s probably a faulty question. If we look at people in power, it has always seemed to be those who are in power have always taken advantage of those they have power over. Hell, there’s even a saying, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Maybe, the proper question to pose is, “At what point did these people in power get so stupid, that they couldn’t see their abuse of said power will only lead to the downfall of society, therefore leading to their complete and utter loss of power?” Whew, that was a mouthful.

Now that I’ve taken a breath (or a pause from typing), let me put forth some examples. First and foremost, look at the banking crisis that the country has just come through (or rather, that we’re still in the midst of). The heads of these banks allowed (and in fact encouraged) loans to people who had no serious hope of being able to pay it back. Now, I don’t understand all the wheeling and dealing behind the scenes that would make such a thing profitable, but did any of these people actually believe that this would lead to any long term wealth? It was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, and when it exploded, it took out plenty of people with it. A lot of the people who got caught up in it could be considered innocent (although to be honest, why these people thought they could ever pay back these loans in the first place, is beyond me. That just speaks to a lack of personal responsibility, but that’s another blog), but a fair amount of people who were making these loans got caught up in it too, and there was a great deal of money lost. The biggest crime is that the ones in charge, the CEOs who thought up these plans, basically got away scot free. They all walked away with huge piles of money, while the ones they screwed are left holding the bill. However, what they fail to see is that by doing what they did, they have weakened the power of the economy itself, so all of that material wealth they gained will sooner than later amount to not much of anything. They may be living the high life right now, but many of these people live such extravagant lives (primarily because they have to keep up appearances that they are wealthy) that they burn through all their ill gotten gains pretty quickly.

Ok, so that’s corporate bigwigs. Who’s next? Well, let’s look at politicians. Now, here in NY, we’ve had some pretty huge political scandals in recent history. The one that comes to mind most clear is that whole mess with Pedro Espada and Hiram Monserrate switching political allegiance in order to gain power. This held up government for nearly a month, and when it was all said and done, nothing was accomplished except for the fact that Espada was given the Senate Majority Leader position. It didn’t improve the government at all, nor did it serve to actually change the power structure of the state senate, except for the fact that we now have an egomaniac in the highest position. At least there is some justice in this, because I guess when a politician decides to screw over other politicians, instead of just his constituents, they make sure they get paid back in spades. Currently, Monserrate has been kicked out because of his conviction in a domestic violence case. As for Espada, he’s being investigated for his other double dealings, in regards to his actual place of residence. Apparently, you can’t represent your district if you don’t actually live there, and you can’t just decide to take money from a non-profit and use it for personal expenses.. Oooooh, so that’s what it means to be a district representative. I guess Pedro forgot, and thought he could instead live in Mamaroneck, some 40 miles away from his actual district. I guess that’s what you call a “whoops!” Also,there are some questions as to funds related to Soundview Health Clinic, where he apparently used some of the non-profit’s funds for personal expenses. Oh, you mean that’s not his own personal piggy bank? Aw shucks, that’s just a simple mistake. I nearly half expected him to try to bat his eyelashes, pout, put his index finger on his lip and say, “I didn’t mean to…” while swaying side to side bashfully. After all of this evidence that shows what a dirtbag he is, he has the audacity to claim racism to those investigating him. He’s lucky his constituents haven’t chased him through the streets with torches and pitchforks, and hung him up by his toenails. I don’t know what kind of mind someone has to have in order to be so deluded into believing that they could get away with that kind of behavior.

Last, but definitely not least, I’m directing a great deal of ire towards television personalities who say the most outrageous things in order to get ratings. Prime target numero uno is Glenn Beck. In my opinion, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who is so full of crap as this guy. For those of you who don’t know who he is, he’s a talking head on Fox News Channel. Prior to the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States, he was a pretty benign character. He was a typical Fox television personality. Toeing the line, agreeing with the Republican led government, never questioning what they did, always questioning anyone who questioned the government. However, ever since Obama became president, it’s like he’s reached a new level of crazy. To understand what I mean, I saw a segment on the “Media Matters” Youtube page that gave states that claim that Glenn Beck, since Obama’s election, has used the word “Nazi” over 200 times, the word “Fascist” or “Fascism” over 190 times, and “Hitler” over 140 times in reference to or to describe the current Democratic government. For those who are familiar with the term “reductio ad hitlerum,” you can see how absurd this man is. If you don’t know what what term means, it basically means as soon as you start using Nazis or Hitler to make a point, you’re immediately considered retarded. For example, if you’re getting into an argument, and someone whips out “Well you know what? That’s what Hitler did” in order to try to get the last word in, then you can immediately write them off as being a moron. This seems to be Mr. Beck’s only way of presenting an argument.

The problem is, there is a rather large group of people who haven’t written him off. In fact, they listen to what he says, absorb it, and make decisions based on it. How, you may ask? Some gun-toting, “patriotic American,” took Beck’s baiting, and decided to load up his truck with firearms, and proceed to wipe out an organization that Beck had repeatedly attacked as “a central player in a larger, nefarious cabal of Marxist/socialist/Nazi Obama-loving outlets determined to destroy democracy in America.” Hmmm… mass murder. I wonder if that’s what Beck means when he’s constantly telling people to “fight back” against the oppressive regime that is currently our government. Maybe he’s, I don’t know, just appealing to a simple-minded segment of the country in order to garner higher ratings, thereby increasing his popularity to get paid more? Naaaah… that couldn’t be it…

My point in all of this is that in all of these examples, there is one thing that all of these entities are failing to consider. Does what they do have a positive or negative effect on the greater good? Do any of them care about anything or anybody but themselves? Do they honestly believe that what they are doing is not wrong? If so, what kind of screwed up lives have they been living that would lead them to think that they’re right and righteous in their decision making? Where, in all of the actions described above, is the thought for their community, their fellow man, and society as a whole? Too often, people live by the phrase “I am not my brother’s keeper” in order to avoid responsibility for the things that they say, and things that they do in regards to those around them. This is not about keeping someone as you would a pet. This is about doing the right thing, so as to bring no harm to others.

This, I believe, to be one of the central codes of my own life. This is based on a decision that I made, not some rule placed on me by religion, forced down my throat by authorities, or secreted into my head by some form of brainwashing (at least I think…). But seriously, as a human being who actually has to live with other people, I believe that the most important code that anyone should live by, is to do no harm to others. It’s a simple rule, and yet, it seems these people, who have so much influence, who have so much power, can’t seem to get it. They will take advantage of anyone and anything in order to further their own agendas, to gain more for themselves, and to feed their own greed.

So where are the people of conscience? Where are the people who do care? Where are the people who can do something about this, and who will actually do the right thing? To be honest, I don’t know. Power is a difficult thing to gain, and the temptation to abuse it is great when you do get it. I’m not sure our society, as it stands, will produce a leader who can or will truly do the right thing. The only thing to do is to start small, start with yourself. Resolve to do no harm to others. We need a starting point, and that’s as good a one as any. Maybe, if enough of us resolve to do it, there will be a big enough movement. But who knows? Personal responsibility plays a big part in that, to be able to carry that on when things are tough. But like I said… that’s another blog.

PS. For those who are curious about some of the references I made up there, here's a list of some of the articles that I read that brought this to my attention.

Reductio Ad Hitlerum
"This is What Hitler Did": Beck's Obsessive Nazi Analogies
Eric Boehlert: Glenn Beck's Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close to Having a Body Count

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